LLVM Talks Related to Coroutines

Volkan Yazıcı volkan.yazici at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 21:37:57 UTC 2019


Swift and LLVM developer John McCall's 2018 LLVM Developers’ Meeting
“Coroutine Representations and ABIs in LLVM” talk
<http://llvm.org/devmtg/2018-10/talk-abstracts.html#talk13> has recently
been made available on YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyAbV8AM9PM>.
(Still waiting for slides to get published.) Gor Nishanov's 2016 "LLVM
Coroutines: Bringing resumable functions to LLVM" talk
<http://llvm.org./devmtg/2016-11/#talk4>, mentioned in John's intro, was
already available for a long time, including slides. Given there is still
not a conclusive path on the implementation of fibers in OpenJDK, I thought
you might find these material useful.


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