
Arkadiusz Gasiński jigga at
Sun Feb 10 18:07:03 UTC 2019

Thank you for the clarification. After switching to "traditional" threads
and cachedThreadPool, the output was pretty much the same as with
singleThreadedExecutor and fibers, so it's definitely the trace messages
that caused confusion here.

(On a side point, I regret using SQ in the demo as it's not really
> suited for fibers at this time. It's really good for transfers between
> threads where there is a lot of contention of course. TBD on what should
> be done for fibers in this area).

I personally liked that example in that it clearly showed the idea behind
fibers, i.e. yielding/freeing up carrier thread when it cannot make
progress, which was apparent with the singleThreadedExecutor. But would be
more than happy to find out what would you replace the SQ example with? I'm
actually doing a workshop about project loom for my coworkers next week. I
know it's still a prototype, and a lot may change before it's released, but
it's really interesting project and current version is stable enough to
play with it and explore the possibilities it may/will bring to the
platform. The main theme of the workshop will be to reconfigure sample
Spring Boot microservice to use Fibers instead of Threads as we work with
Boot on the daily basis, but if you think that there is anything in
particular that I should touch on when doing this workshop, I'd be thankful
for suggestions.

One last thing...

continuation = new Continuation(scope, () -> {
    var lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
    try {
    } finally {

It's possible to yield a continuation when holding a
j.u.c.l.Lock/ReadWriteLock. It this lock released when yielding and somehow
reacquired when continuing?


On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 10:53 AM Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>

> On 09/02/2019 12:33, Arkadiusz Gasiński wrote:
> > :
> > I assumed (as SynchronousQueue has no capacity) that the output would be
> > more like:
> >
> > Produder.offer
> > Consumer.take
> > Producer.offer
> > Consumer.tak
> >
> > And so on. But in the actual output almost each time 2 tasks are actually
> > offered and then 2 tasks are taken. Do you have any idea why this
> happens?
> I briefly looked at your test and the producer and consumer (sharing one
> thread) are running in lockstep, I think it's just the trace messages
> that are a bit misleading. The producer prints the "Offering" message
> before queue.put. The put doesn't need to block/park when the consumer
> is parked/waiting for an element N so it will continue on and print
> "Offering" message for element N+1 before it blocks/parks in queue.put.
> On the consumer side, it prints "Processing" after queue.take has been
> used to remove element N. The producer offering element N+1 has released
> the thread to allow the consumer to continue so it will process element
> N and continue to take element N+1. If you update the test to print a
> trace message before and after both queue.put and queue.take then I
> think it will be a bit clearer.
> (On a side point, I regret using SQ in the demo as it's not really
> suited for fibers at this time. It's really good for transfers between
> threads where there is a lot of contention of course. TBD on what should
> be done for fibers in this area).
> -Alan

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