Where to help? [Was inspired by - Re: LLVM Talks Related to Coroutines ]

Chris Phillips ChrisPhi at LGonQn.Org
Fri Mar 1 21:00:12 UTC 2019

Hi Ron,

On 2019-02-21 7:56 a.m., Ron Pressler wrote:
> Hi Chris!
> Porting Loom to other platforms/configurations/interpreters etc. would
> be of much help,
> but it is still premature. We are still figuring out how to best
> implement a prototype
> on x86-64.
> What we need most right now is feedback on the current fibers API, and its
> structured-cuncurrency aspect in particular. Does it help write concurrent
> applications? Where does it fall short? How can it be improved?

I am having some difficulty in finding the api spec. Can you point me at
the appropriate location ?
> Happy you're eager to help!
> Ron


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