Did Java on Solaris once had a Fiber-like threads?

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Oct 9 10:06:54 UTC 2019

On 9/10/2019 7:28 pm, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> You're probably looking for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_threads 
> . ;)

Hmmmm, not quite how I remember Green Threads in Java. My recollection 
was that Green Thread were for the early Windows and perhaps the Solaris 
reference implementations. While the Solaris Production VM (a.k.a 
ExactVM) used Solaris native threading. Hotspot used native threading on 
all platforms.


> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> On 09.10.2019 10:51, Arkadiusz Gasiński wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I recently found the "*JDK 1.1 for Solaris Developer's Guide*" article (
>> https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19455-01/806-3461/6jck06gqe/index.html), 
>> which
>> says, in the Many-to-Many Model section, that "*a program can have as 
>> many
>> threads as are appropriate without making the process too heavy or
>> burdensome. In this model, a user-level threads library provides
>> sophisticated scheduling of user-level threads above kernel threads. The
>> kernel needs to manage only the threads that are currently active. A
>> many-to-many implementation at the user level reduces programming 
>> effort as
>> it lifts restrictions on the number of threads that can be effectively 
>> used
>> in an application.*"
>> That's just the definition of the many-to-many model, but later in the 
>> same
>> section, it's written that "*The Java on Solaris operating environment is
>> the first many-to-many commercial implementation of Java on an MT 
>> operating
>> system*". If that's the case, it looks like there already was a 
>> version of
>> Java that had Fiber-like threads. Was it only some proprietary
>> implementation just for Solaris? What happened to it?
>> BTW, if I understand correctly, the current versions of Open/Oracle JDK
>> employ the one-to-one multithreading models, correct?
>> Thanks,
>> Arek

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