What triggers Fiber.unpark?

Arkadiusz Gasiński jigga at jigga.pl
Wed Oct 16 20:58:19 UTC 2019

Just noticed that the previous question in the mailing list was pretty much
the same (what a coincidence) and actually checked your talk from JVMLS,
@Alan. I’m still wondering what’s calling this InnocuousThread that in turn
unpark Fiber? Also, is this thread used for all Fiber unparking or only in
case of I/O?


On Wed, 16 Oct 2019 at 22:18, Arkadiusz Gasiński <jigga at jigga.pl> wrote:

> Hi,
> As in the subject line, namely what triggers Fiber.unpark? Is it the
> schedulers job to do it? If so, how does it know when to call unpark? Say
> my Fiber was parked waiting for I/O to finish, the I/O completes... and
> then what?
> Thanks,
> Arek

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