carrier local

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Apr 3 07:51:19 UTC 2020

On 03/04/2020 08:35, Kasper Nielsen wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Apr 2020 at 21:07, Thomas May <tmay at> wrote:
>> LongAdder would be a good example where you'd want carrier local storage rather than thread local.  Having it ThreadLocal would allocate more memory than necessary.
> I think you would be better off with processor local state in most
> cases where you
> are trying to avoid contention as mentioned in the Loom proposal [1]
> and this RFE [2].
The processorid branch in the repo has an exploratory prototype of 
LongAdder that use Linux restartable sequences. It's parked for now, may 
come back to it.


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