carrier local

Thomas May tmay at
Fri Apr 3 12:30:31 UTC 2020

Hmm, ok, makes sense.

I was thinking maybe something like the following might work.

class CarrierLocal<T> {
    private T state;
    private final Supplier<T> stateSupplier;

    CarrierLocal(Supplier<T> stateSupplier) {
        this.stateSupplier = stateSupplier;

    public <U> U use(Function<T, U> action) {
        if (state == null)
            state = stateSupplier.get();
        U result = action.apply(state);
        if (state != null && result == state)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must not return internal state");
        return result;

(Obviously eliding over how state is associated with a  given thread)

This would mostly prevent you from accessing state outside.  However, you'd need machinery in place to either make sure `park` in the action method either throws or causes the current fiber to be rescheduled on the same carrier thread.

IDK, though, the restrictions around that `action` function would be weird and potentially non-intuitive.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2020 1:32 AM
To: Thomas May <tmay at>; loom-dev at
Subject: Re: carrier local

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On 02/04/2020 21:05, Thomas May wrote:
> LongAdder would be a good example where you'd want carrier local storage rather than thread local.  Having it ThreadLocal would allocate more memory than necessary.
> Another example is SimpleDateFormat.
> In fact, I'd think whenever you are using ThreadLocals to avoid synchronization you probably would be happy using carrier local instead of ThreadLocal.
SimpleDateFormat is a good example to discuss as an instance is expensive to create and it's not thread safe. It's also not too hard to find code that caches an SimpleDateFormat instance in a TL.

The intention is that you can cache a SimpleDateFormat in a TL and access it without synchronization as before. Yes, this would be a lot of memory with 1M threads. If there was an unsafe like method to get a reference to the carrier thread's TL then you would have to synchronize, consider this:

SimpleDateFormat format = <SimpleDateFormat object cached by carrier thread local> format.format(...);       // scheduling point, may park

If several virtual threads execute this at, or around, the same time and you'll quickly see SimpleDateFormat being accessed from different kernel threads without synchronization, oops!

A good migration path for ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>, to reduce memory usage, is to move to java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter. It's immutable and thread-safe, and faster to create too.



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