Using BufferedReader and InputStreamReader with virtual threads

karsten at karsten at
Mon Aug 10 14:37:38 UTC 2020

Hi @all,

i started experimenting with loom and virtual threads [thanks for this 
nice project].
I know, that suspending virtual threads leads to thread-pinning if 
synchronized frames are on the stack.
My question is: when using classes like BufferedReader or 
InputStreamReader on blocking streams (e.g. TCP-Inputstreams) the 
os-workerthread will be blocked (virtual-thread is unable to yield), 
since the abstract Reader-Class and classes like 
sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder use internal synchronization (read()-method of
tcp-stream is called from synchronized-block).
I think, this may prevent many existing libs (e.g. jdbc-drivers) to 
benefit from virtual threads. Is there a plan to optimize these classes 
to be more 'virtual-thread-friendly'?

greetz and thanks for your effort,

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