Another crash

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Jan 17 19:59:55 UTC 2020

On 16/01/2020 21:47, forax at wrote:
> The tests pass with -XX:UseAVX=2
> so yes it's again related to the use AVX3.
> same crash with no -XX:AVX=2
> no crash with -XX:AVX=2
# Problematic frame:
1303# v  ~StubRoutines::bigIntegerLeftShiftWorker

Just chatting with Igor Ignatyev and he pointed me to JDK-8167065 [1] 
which added the instrinics for BigInteger::leftShift and 
BigInteger::rightShift recently for JDK 15. So I think we've picked up 
an issue there and this issue isn't specific to the loom repo.

Would you mind seeing if these options to disable the intrinsics make 
the problem go away:




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