git: openjdk/loom: fibers: Remove use of minimumSuspendAllCount. It wasn't working like I wished it would. Instead consider an unmounted virutal thread to be suspended, and invalidate any FieldIds for the virtual thread when it is resumed (its continuation is run). Use the carrier thread status for mounted virtual threads. This will probably be simplified once JVMTI ThreadState() supports virtual threads.

duke duke at
Fri Jan 24 21:18:05 UTC 2020

Changeset: 54dba7dd
Author:    chris.plummer <chris.plummer at>
Date:      2020-01-24 21:16:54 +0000

Remove use of minimumSuspendAllCount. It wasn't working like I wished it would. Instead consider an unmounted virutal thread to be suspended, and invalidate any FieldIds for the virtual thread when it is resumed (its continuation is run). Use the carrier thread status for mounted virtual threads. This will probably be simplified once JVMTI ThreadState() supports virtual threads.

! src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/threadControl.c

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