Some Review of the EA build

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Jul 1 08:24:19 UTC 2020

On 30/06/2020 19:28, Johannes Kuhn wrote:
> Small nitpick about debugging: I noticed in the debugger that the 
> virtual thread and carrier thread go out of sync in the thread view.
> It's a bit strange to single step a field set in Thread and the 
> virtual thread doesn't respond anymore. But maybe that's an eclipse 
> issue.
> Had to build a mental model for VTs first, and found that if I want to 
> debug the mounting and unmounting, then stepping through the carrier 
> works.
> Not sure how the debugging story matches my current mental model.
The debugger support is still work in progress. The underlying tools 
interface and debugger agent has support for virtual threads, tracking 
of mount/unmounts, and the ability to step over scheduling points and 
other features that are needed to provide the debugging experience that 
developers will expect. However, the overall experience when using 
today's IDEs might not be great: part of it is that today's users of JDI 
don't know anything about virtual threads, part of is that debuggers are 
in the business of doing suspend/resume and setting suspend policies, 
and part of confusion around threads when it appears that two threads 
are at the same point. There are ideas and changes that we hope will 
help this significantly over the coming weeks and months. There has been 
discussions with the maintainers of the IntellIj and Netbeans IDEs as it 
is important that there is good debugger support in place for the 
initial preview. I don't think there has been any discussion with the 
Eclipse debugger yet.


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