Not resuming Virtual Threads?

Ron Pressler ron.pressler at
Mon Jul 6 11:59:50 UTC 2020

I think it’s premature to design a solution to something that has yet to show 
itself as a serious problem, certainly considering all *other* bugs that can 
occur when one implements a low-level concurrency construct.

— Ron

On 6 July 2020 at 09:32:34, Alen Vrečko (alen.vrecko at wrote:

I think a simple application level debug tool could be done, just like  
Netty does ResourceLeakDetector, for finding continuations that get "lost".  
Something like this:  


> Continuation#X GC'ed prematurely. Created at: ....  

Maybe something for someone doing the custom scheduler to consider or have  
it in the loom and enabled with something like  
-Dloom.leakdetector=(disabled, sampling, tracing).  


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