
Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sat Sep 19 08:03:08 UTC 2020

On 19/09/2020 05:41, Kasper Nielsen wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there are any plans to provide an implementation in
> jdk.httpserver that uses virtual threads?
I'm not aware of anyone doing anything on this. The main motivation for 
this HTTP server was to support JAX-WS "callbacks" and I don't know if 
got much usage beyond that. The default implementation is limited and 
doesn't support HTTP/2 and several features. That said, it could 
interesting to explore and play with. It has an SPI so you can deploy 
other implementations so that would be one thing to try out. Another 
thing to try is using HttpServer.setExecutor to set an executor that 
creates a virtual thread per request. Is this something you would be 
interested to trying out and report back?


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