Build from the current HEAD fails

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sat Sep 26 18:55:24 UTC 2020

On 26/09/2020 19:11, Arkadiusz Gasiński wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following errors when building from the current HEAD:
> ERROR: Build failed for target 'images' in configuration
> 'macosx-x86_64-server-release' (exit code 2)
> Stopping sjavac server
> === Output from failing command(s) repeated here ===
> * For target hotspot_variant-server_libjvm_objs_sharedRuntime.o:
> src/hotspot/share/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp:2869:85: error: expression does
> not compute the number of elements in this array; element type is 'double',
> not 'relocInfo' [-Werror,-Wsizeof-array-div]
>        buffer.insts()->initialize_shared_locs((relocInfo*)locs_buf,
> sizeof(locs_buf) / sizeof(relocInfo));
I assume this is xcode 12.0. The JDK doesn't currently build with that 
release (nothing specific to loom repo). It's tracked as JDK-8253375 [1] 
and under discussion in jdk/pull/348 [2]. You might be able to merge in 
the preliminary patch if you want to make progress.



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