Can't yield from within an instance created by reflection

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Apr 7 09:16:55 UTC 2021

On 07/04/2021 09:57, Øystein Myhre Andersen wrote:
> Is there a limit to the number of virtual threads ?
> The error in my implementation of class Simulation occurs when I start 
> virtual thread number 257.
> Is this just a coincidence or ....
Virtual threads are just objects in the heap and 1M virtual threads 
shouldn't be an issue. I suspect David is right that you've got threads 
pinned due to Java monitors and synchronization (you also mentioned 
"oversynchronization" in one of your mails). The scheduler is based on 
ForkJoinPool and it's setup to spin up additional underlying carrier 
threads to help when there are virtual threads blocked in Object.wait. 
The default maximum is 256. Can you say a bit more about the locking 
that you are using when the Simula coroutines are implemented with 
threads? Would it be hard to convert it to use java.util.concurrent locks?


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