Is there any (official) benchmark for Loom?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Feb 2 08:56:34 UTC 2021

On 01/02/2021 20:59, Yichen Yan wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m working on adapting Loom to GraalVM Native Image.
> I’ve finished sort of Loom’s features and think it’s time to start some performance test.
> I see there’s some benchmark out there, but I’m not very sure which one is the best to start with.
It will be interesting to hear more about your work with GraalVM native 
image when you have something to show.

Did you find the micros in test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/loom? These may 
be useful to adapt.

Alexander Temerev's "Skynet 1M threads microbenchmark" has also been 
useful, lots of parking/unparking when the unbuffered channel is 
implemented with a j.u.c.SynchronousQueue. That said, it tends to be 
more of a GC stress test for Java as there is little/no work done in the 

For larger workloads, running the Helidon MP server and a load generator 
has been useful.


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