Cancellation with finalization

Ron Pressler ron.pressler at
Thu Jan 14 21:40:54 UTC 2021


The current cancellation mechanism that uses interruption, as Alan 
explained, and you can think of it as if the cancelled task’s continuation 
is immediately scheduled, performs some cleanup, and produces some result
without completing the operation (the “result” may be a thrown exception).

Of course, it’s easier to think about it in terms of threads, but
the mechanism is pretty efficient.

— Ron

On 13 January 2021 at 09:06:43, Spencer Baugh (sbaugh at (mailto:sbaugh at wrote:

> Hi loom-dev,
> I've followed with great interest the development of Project Loom,
> even as a bystander who does not frequently program in Java. The use
> of delimited continuations to provide normal synchronous programming,
> without forcing users to annotate functions or call-sites with
> asynchronous effects, seems like the best way forward for many
> imperative languages. I've worked on similar things myself.[1]
> I have an idea which maybe you've considered before, and I'm curious
> to know if you've encountered any similar concepts. If this is
> inappropriate for this list please let me know.
> It's often desirable to be able to cancel an operation. For example, a
> worker thread might receive some request with some parameters from
> another thread and queue it to be performed later; at some point
> before the operation is complete and the result is returned to the
> requester, the request (and the result) might become irrelevant; in
> such a situation, the result can be discarded, and the worker thread
> would be notified in some way so that it can avoid expending resources
> on actually performing the operation (if it hasn't yet been
> unavoidably started, or can still be interrupted).
> One can conceptualize the original request as being accompanied by a
> result-continuation, corresponding to the original requesting thread,
> which the worker thread will call with the result.
> In that model, cancellation could be implemented with weak references
> and a finalizer: If the result-continuation is referenced weakly, then
> if the garbage collector begins to consider the continuation garbage,
> a finalizer can notify the worker thread that the request has been
> cancelled, and the worker thread can discard the result if and when it
> sees the reference to the result-continuation has already been
> cleared.
> Cancellation of an operation, then, would happen if and only if the GC
> considered the original thread requesting the operation to be garbage.
> For example, perhaps if a thread was maintaining some specific object,
> that object would have the only reference to that thread; then if the
> object became garbage, the thread would too, and whatever operation
> the thread is currently blocked in (if any) would be cancelled.
> Finalizers, of course, are scary, so this is probably unrealistic, but
> it replaces two features with one, which is nice.
> Have you ever encountered or considered such ideas before?
> Either way, thanks for working on Project Loom!
> [1]:

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