Multiple Poller Threads

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon May 10 18:50:05 UTC 2021

On 10/05/2021 18:33, Nathan Reynolds wrote:
> I was reading this article about Networking I/O with Virtual Threads.
>  I enjoy
> reading about the updates.  Virtual threads is something I look forward to
> with great anticipation.
> The article says there is a read poller and a write poller.
For now yes but we are still experimenting with hierarchical polling 
schemes where virtual threads do the initial poll [1]. So far we haven't 
seen any improvements but it may depend on the workload. We will 
eventually have to do better on NUMA systems that will probably require 
a poller per node. So yes, we may have to introduce some configuration. 
For now, it's working well with 100k connections and a large number of 
connections ready but we will more people to try it out with different 
workloads to see what issues might arise.



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