A new build and a new structured concurrency API

Pedro Lamarão pedro.lamarao at prodist.com.br
Thu Nov 18 19:43:18 UTC 2021

Em qua., 17 de nov. de 2021 às 13:49, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>

> Can you say a few words about the exception handling? Don't you have
> cases where you should abort rather than record exceptions when
> traversing the links in a document?

Yes, for example the "fail fast" case
common to quick turnaround cycles: test, fix, repeat.

I have put another few hours on the project
to change it into a "fail fast" broken link test tool.
The "thread" and "executor" variant are most certainly broken:
a few hours does not seem enough to do "fail fast" with threads of

Using StructuredExecutor.ShutdownOnFailure from the docs was easy.
The general idea seems to be that of a "context" or "controller" object
which must be passed around.
In this exercise, using lambdas allowed capturing the handler, so passing
the handler around was easy.
I wonder what would be the impact if one had to create task classes.

.....or maybe reusing the StructuredExecutor is not the point, should one
create an "inner" StructuredExecutor instead?


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