[External] : Re: Future.resultNow / exceptionNow

Eric Kolotyluk eric at kolotyluk.net
Mon Nov 22 15:44:17 UTC 2021

Thank you for that precision Ron...

Yes, I meant resultNow() does not need to attach deeper "cause" information
about the task failure as was being discussed, and it is true that it does
throw IllegalStateException, which is sufficient for the context.

Cheers, Eric

On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 3:24 AM Ron Pressler <ron.pressler at oracle.com>

> On 21 Nov 2021, at 17:45, Eric Kolotyluk <eric at kolotyluk.net> wrote:
> I am trying to follow all the narratives...
> Can I conclude that resultNow() does not need to attach any failure
> information because the assumption is the future succeeded?
> When resultNow is called incorrectly and fails, it *does* attach complete
> failure information — it tells you exactly why the operation failed, with
> all the information needed to correct the issue. It does not attach
> additional accidental and irrelevant failure information that does not
> assist in detecting and fixing the issue.
> — Ron

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