Access to Continuation.yield and ContinuationScope

Raul Raja Martinez raulraja at
Wed Nov 24 21:42:07 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,

First, thank you for LOOM and the extraordinary work done here. I'm excited
to see this coming to a final release.

I have been using LOOM builds up until recently, building abstractions
directly on top of what used to be `java.lang.Continuation` and the
`Continuation.yield` capabilities. I have noticed in the latest build these
became internal in the jdk.internal.vm package.

When I link against those I get errors like:

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: superclass access check failed: class
fx.Continuation$package$$anon$1 (in unnamed module @0x1f75bcda) cannot
access class jdk.internal.vm.ContinuationScope (in module java.base)
because module java.base does not export jdk.internal.vm to unnamed module

I wondered if there is a way to create and use Continuation.yield in this
latest build, and if not, how would I go about implementing a use case like
this currently expressed in Scala.

Thank you!


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