RFR: Loom test groups for development/porting use [v2]

Alan Bateman alanb at openjdk.java.net
Tue Oct 12 13:18:57 UTC 2021

On Tue, 12 Oct 2021 13:14:19 GMT, Alan Bateman <alanb at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Fixed. I'd like to have JFR "thread" tests in this group to test thread events.
> There are also tests for the JFR events in jfr/event/runtime but they on the exclude list right now. We need to go back over these tests as they date from an initial set of events emitted from the VM. We've since changed to emit them from the Java code. They are exercised by Thread/virtual/JfrEvents.java, which will move at some point once the tests in that directory move to the right place.

When Leonid is back then we can see about sorting out our configuration and then we can see if jdk_loom can be renamed to have it be a temporary loom tier1 group.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/loom/pull/74

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