RFR: Debugger changes to support JVMTI now returning JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION for Thread.stop() of a virtual thread. [v2]

Chris Plummer cjplummer at openjdk.java.net
Fri Apr 15 19:02:44 UTC 2022

On Fri, 15 Apr 2022 18:38:07 GMT, Alan Bateman <alanb at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I also think it should be "command" instead of "operation" to be consistent with the text a little bit above this that reads:
>>         "The target VM may not support, or may only provide limited support, for "
>>         "this command when the thread is a virtual thread. It may, for example, "
>> I also think it should be "command" instead of "operation" to be consistent with the text a little bit above this that reads:
> Okay, although the resulting "The thread is a virtual thread and the target VM does not support the command" should probably be expanded to make it clear that the command is not supported on virtual threads. This would avoid an interpreting it to mean that the error is returned when the VM doesn't support the command AND the thread ID is for a virtual thread.


I tried to be consistent with the descriptive text above the error/exception section, thus "the command" for JDWP and "this operation" for JDI.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/loom/pull/146

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