New Early Access builds

Cay Horstmann cay.horstmann at
Sat Apr 30 13:13:40 UTC 2022

Just spotted another EA build dated 2022-04-29. What is the status of the
structured concurrency API? The JEP draft [1], created 2021-11-15 and
updated 2022-04-02, and linked from the JEP [2], has StructuredExecutor but
it's not in the EA. The EA has StructuredTaskScope.




Il giorno mar 5 apr 2022 alle ore 20:33 Alan Bateman <
Alan.Bateman at> ha scritto:

> The builds at the Project Loom Early Access page [1] have been
> refreshed. The latest builds are based on jdk-19+16.
> There aren't any API changes compared to the previous build. There are a
> lot of changes under hood and in particular, there are many changes in
> the GC and runtime areas with several important fixes. The build
> includes the update of ForkJoinPool that Doug Lea announced on the
> concurrency-interest list recently - this update improves the
> performance in cases such as message passing.
> -Alan
> [1]

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