Motivation to put Continuation, ContinuationScope, and Scope in jdk.internal.vm package

Ron Pressler ron.pressler at
Mon Aug 1 13:19:38 UTC 2022

Thank you for bringing it to our attention. I’ve updated that section of the wiki.

As this might be of interest to those who want to learn how OpenJDK works and where information is found, I should point out that the wiki belongs to Project Loom — one of the several OpenJDK R&D projects [1] — and so doesn’t apply to any JDK releases, which are made by the JDK project. The relevant documents with information about changes to the JDK are the JEPs [2], not other project wikis. Other projects might submit JEPs to the JDK, and Project Loom has so far submitted two (425 and 428). I.e. the changes developed in project Loom that were delivered to the JDK are in those JEPs, and not in Project Loom documents. Conversely, JDK 19 will contain JEPs 425 and 428, not “Loom”.

So those interested in information about a JDK release should refer to the list of JEPs in that release [3], and not to the projects that might have produced them.

— Ron


> On 31 Jul 2022, at 21:19, Robbe Pincket <robbepincket at> wrote:
> The wiki still lists the old information:
> > ## Continuations
> > 
> > ### Design
> > 
> > The primitive continuation construct is that of a scoped (AKA multiple-named-prompt),
> > stackful, one-shot (non-reentrant) delimited continuation. The continuation can be cloned,
> > and thus used to implement reentrant delimited continuations. The construct is exposed via
> > the java.lang.Continuation class. Continuations are intended as a low-level API, that
> > application authors are not intended to use directly. They will use higher-level
> > constructs built on top of continuations, such as virtual threads or generators.
> Someone should probably fix that before Java 19 releases?
> Regards
> Robbe Pincket

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