Building Loom from Maven

eric at eric at
Thu Aug 4 14:09:08 UTC 2022

Thanks, Alan, but even with your settings I still get


package jdk.incubator.concurrent is not visible


from Maven. More completely…


[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------

[ERROR] /C:/Users/ERIC/Documents/git/loom-lab/laboratory/src/main/java/net/kolotyluk/loom/[3,21] package jdk.incubator.concurrent is not visible

  (package jdk.incubator.concurrent is declared in module jdk.incubator.concurrent, which is not in the module graph)


What is strange, is that IntelliJ can build and run the code just fine. Usually, I observe that IntelliJ is less stable than Maven.


I guess I will keep slogging through Maven Hell a little longer…


Cheers, Eric




From: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> 
Sent: August 3, 2022 11:20 PM
To: eric at; loom-dev at
Subject: Re: Building Loom from Maven



On 04/08/2022 01:33, eric at <mailto:eric at>  wrote:

Has anyone had any success using Structured Concurrency from JDK 19?


I have the following pom.xml


        <compilerArgs>--source 19</compilerArgs>
        <compilerArgs>--add-modules jdk.incubator.concurrent</compilerArgs>


But when I try to compile the project, I get


[ERROR] /C:/Users/ERIC/Documents/git/loom-lab/laboratory/src/main/java/net/kolotyluk/loom/[3,21] package jdk.incubator.concurrent is not visible

[ERROR]   (package jdk.incubator.concurrent is declared in module jdk.incubator.concurrent, which is not in the module graph)


And I have been trying for over an hour to fix this but cannot find any solutions that work as they all indicate “--add-modules jdk.incubator.concurrent” should work.


This works for me:



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