jstack, profilers and other tools

Egor Ushakov egor.ushakov at jetbrains.com
Wed Jul 13 10:56:47 UTC 2022

This is actually interesting: how is it expected for a debugger to get 
the new thread dump?
It is not exposed through jdwp. And in many cases this is the only 
communication way with a process during debugging.

Please advise.

On 12.07.2022 17:19, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 12/07/2022 14:36, Egor Ushakov wrote:
>> So does this mean that the older thread dumps way (jstack etc.) is 
>> now obsolete?
>> And we should switch our efforts to supporting the new way on jdk 19+?
> It's not obsolete. The HotSpot thread dump remains critical for 
> troubleshooting. It's also much "richer" and contains more than just a 
> list of threads. If the context is the IntelliJ "Get Thread Dump" 
> button in the Debugger window then the JSON format might be useful as 
> it parsable.
> -Alan

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