An Analogy

Bazlur Rahman anmbrr.bit0112 at
Tue Jul 19 19:12:51 UTC 2022

Hey Eric,

A great analogy, I wonder if I can use it in my talk at the PhillyJUG (of
course, using your reference) today.

*Thank you,*
*A N M Bazlur Rahman*

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 2:34 PM <eric at> wrote:

> I am hoping this is an apt analogy, so please correct me if it is wrong…
> Before Loom, concurrency was like going to a bank with a fixed number of
> tellers, where each teller had a line of customers.
>    1. In Java terms, a teller is like Platform Thread
>    2. Generally, it would take time to process each customer, say an
>    average of 5 minutes
>    3. Sometimes, a customer would block the process, such as the teller
>    needed to make a phone call to get some information
>    4. No work is performed, while the teller is blocked waiting, and
>    consequently the entire line is blocked
> After Loom, concurrency is like going to a bank with more modern policies
> and procedures
>    1. In Java terms, a teller is still like a Platform Thread, but has
>    the ability to park a customer
>    2. Generally, it still takes time to process each customer, say an
>    average of 5 minutes
>    3. Sometimes, a customer would block the process, such as the teller
>    needed some information before proceeding…
>       1. The teller sends a text message or emails to get the necessary
>       information
>       2. The teller asks the customer to be seated, and as soon the
>       information is available, they will be the next customer processed by the
>       first available teller
>       3. The teller starts processing the next customer in line
>       4. This is analogous to a parked Virtual Thread, where the teller
>       is like a Platform Thread, and the customer is like a Virtual Thread
>    4. Concurrency is increased, by better policies and procedures in
>    dealing with blocking operations
> Yes, this is very simplistic, but intentionally so to try to expose what
> is so great about Virtual Threads.
> Cheers, Eric
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