[External] : Re: jstack, profilers and other tools

Pedro Lamarão pedro.lamarao at prodist.com.br
Sun Jul 24 15:52:23 UTC 2022

Em dom., 24 de jul. de 2022 às 10:08, Alex Otenko <
oleksandr.otenko at gmail.com> escreveu:

> Also, I am not clear why you dismissed the allocation problem by just
> saying IO buffering is the same. The allocation problem is that user code
> allocates before read(byte[]) is called. This is the same in both sync and
> async code. The difference is that in async code the lifespan of the
> allocation is shorter - we read only read-ready channels, and those that
> aren't ready return quickly. In sync code the buffer remains allocated for
> a long time - even seconds, if that's what the connection reuse pattern is
> on the client side.

I am not what this allocation problem is supposed to be.
If you have provisioned the memory required to support your workload,
it doesn't matter for how long some buffer remains "inside" a call.
If you have not provisioned the memory required to support your workload,
then you have an architectural problem no matter how little time some
buffer remains "inside" a call;
you will crash when concurrent reads peak.
Am I missing something?

Pedro Lamarão
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