Virtual Threads support in Quarkus - current integration and ideal

Ron Pressler ron.pressler at
Wed Jul 27 15:54:23 UTC 2022

I am aware of one, but having just answered questions and provided advice I’ll let the project’s developers announce it when it’s ready. I believe it should be soon enough.

— Ron

On 26 Jul 2022, at 18:13, eric at<mailto:eric at> wrote:

“Writing the entire pipeline with simple blocking in mind gave us not only superior performance, but a much smaller and simpler codebase, and that would be the approach I’d recommend.”

Ron, are there any projects you are aware of that will do this? Such as a Loom-based HTTP Server and Client library, something like Jetty, but completely based on Virtual Threads, and maybe some Structured Concurrency?

Cheers, Eric

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