Benefits of Rx, Without the Complexity

Alex Otenko oleksandr.otenko at
Tue Jun 21 19:34:08 UTC 2022

There is an important difference between synchronous API with semaphores,
blocking queues, etc and reactive API with backpressure.

The difference is that reactive API is essentially continuation passing,
one important aspect of which is the inversion of control. ("Don't call us,
we'll call you") Whereas there is a known isomorphism between the two
models of computation, the complexity of expression differs. My stock
example where continuation passing is much simpler is the tree iterator vs
the generator for a tree.


On Tue, 21 Jun 2022, 14:11 Brian Goetz, <brian.goetz at> wrote:

> "Backpressure" is just a fancy new term for the age-old concept of
> bounding resource utilization by stalling or refusing excessive requests.
> Examples include:
>  - thread pools -- limit the number of concurrently executing tasks
>  - semaphores -- limit the number of a critical resource (socket
> connections, open files, etc), by stalling incremental requests until the
> resource becomes free
>  - producer/consumer with blocking queues -- when consumers are
> overloaded, stall the producers
>  - queuing of socket connect requests in the OS, and refusing additional
> requests after the queue gets too long
>  - various networking flow control protocols using send credits, sliding
> windows, etc (xmodem, TCP)
> These are often used in conjunction; a thread pool may have a fixed number
> of threads *and* a bounded queue for waiting tasks.  OSes queue socket
> requests until some limit, and then refuse incremental requests.  These are
> all techniques of slowly pushing the load back to the source.
> But, backpressure is not magic; it still requires analysis and control.
> Before you can use it effectively, you have to identify what the resources
> are that might get over-consumed, and choose a strategy for managing it.
> Obvious strategies include "don't call me, I'll call you", queue size
> limits, etc.  But none of these are applied magically; they require you to
> configure them.  Reactive's contribution, such as it is, is to put these
> concepts in the foreground, where users are reminded to think about them.
> All of these techniques are still available to us.  But we have to
> identify what resources are in danger of being overconsumed, and protect
> them appropriately.  The concepts for doing so are older then Java --
> semaphores, blocking queues, etc.
> On 6/20/2022 2:33 PM, eric at wrote:
> After tinkering with loom and learning a lot of revised synchronous style
> practices, I was recently watching another presentation on Reactive
> Programming, and it got me thinking about how some of the asynchronous
> practices, such as Backpressure, could be expressed in the synchronous
> world of Virtual Threads, Structured Concurrency, etc.
> After working on Akka Scala for years, using Reactive Practices, I had a
> sense that it might be possible to build applications/services that would
> not thrash. They would go up to 100% utilization, without thrashing, and
> then just refuse more work. *Sorry mate, I won’t do that now, maybe talk
> to the Load Balancer about spawning some more siblings…* I don’t know how
> true this sense is, only that it’s a hopeful sense.
> While I have dabbled with java.util.concurrent.Flow using Virtual Threads
> successfully, I still find the cognitive load for using Rx APIs higher than
> I would like, but it is well disciplined and has many other benefits, such
> as backpressure.
> In the future, can we build simpler synchronous APIs with the benefits of
> asynchronous APIs such as Rx, leveraging the scalability/throughput of
> Virtual Threads and the discipline of Structure Concurrency? I guess I am
> just lazy, and I don’t want to think harder than I have to.
> Cheers, Eric
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