Dropped task -- feature or bug?

Brian S O'Neill bronee at gmail.com
Mon May 16 17:29:45 UTC 2022

I created a simple test which causes a virtual thread to block forever 
on a semaphore which never gets released. When the semaphore is gc'd, 
the virtual task is also gc'd. If the virtual thread is waiting on the 
semaphore with a timeout, then the task isn't gc'd until after it times 
out and finishes normally.

This behavior makes sense considering that the virtual thread would 
never wake up if waiting forever. Keeping the task around would just 
leak memory, but does this behavior make debugging more difficult?

Imagine if the task was supposed to acquire the semaphore, do some work, 
and then close an open file. Whether the task is gc'd or not, this would 
create an fd leak. But if the task wasn't gc'd, and I observed an fd 
leak, I could examine a heap dump and try to figure out what's keeping 
the file open. With the current behavior, I'd be completely stumped.

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