Question on JEP-425 Virtual Threads (Preview) documentation

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Oct 4 15:10:07 UTC 2022

On 26/09/2022 22:50, Ravi Kumar Pasumarthy wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I was reading through the JEP-425 
> <>. The following statement is 
> stated in the JEP:
> /The stream decoders and encoders used by |InputStreamReader| and 
> |OutputStreamWriter| now use the same lock as the enclosing 
> |InputStreamReader| or |OutputStreamWriter|./
> /
> /
> I'm assuming that the statement should be as follows:
> /The stream decoders and encoders used by |InputStreamReader| and 
> |OutputStreamWriter| now use the same lock as the enclosing 
> |InputStream| or |OutputStream|./
> Let me know if the latter is correct, and can be incorporated into the 
> JEP documentation, or if my understanding is wrong.
The JEP text is correct, it's the InputStreamReader or 
OutputStreamWriter instance that is used as the lock object.

Do you have any more context for the question? I'm wondering if you are 
observing a behavior change. The locking in this area was highly 
problematic and some of the undocumented and under-the-covers locking 
had to be adjusted. So far there hasn't been any feedback from anyone 
that has noticed anything but maybe you have?

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