CFV: New Loom Committer: Patricio Chilano Mateo

dean.long at dean.long at
Wed Oct 12 21:06:22 UTC 2022

Vote: yes

On 10/12/22 9:08 AM, coleen.phillimore at wrote:
> I hereby nominate Patricio Chilano Mateo (openjdk name: pchilanomate) 
> to Loom Committer.
> Patricio is a JDK Project Reviewer and a Member of OpenJDK. He is 
> working on preemption support in the VM runtime, as well as other bug 
> fixes.
> Only current Loom Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this nomination.
> Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.
> Votes are due by 16:00 GMT October 26, 2022.
> For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2].
> Thank you!
> -- Coleen
> [1] 
> [2]

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