Question on JEP-425 Virtual Threads (Preview) documentation

Ravi Kumar Pasumarthy ravikup at
Mon Sep 26 21:50:36 UTC 2022

Hello folks,

I was reading through the JEP-425 <>.
The following statement is stated in the JEP:

*The stream decoders and encoders used by InputStreamReader and
OutputStreamWriter now use the same lock as the enclosing InputStreamReader
or OutputStreamWriter.*

I'm assuming that the statement should be as follows:

*The stream decoders and encoders used by InputStreamReader and
OutputStreamWriter now use the same lock as the enclosing InputStream or

Let me know if the latter is correct, and can be incorporated into the JEP
documentation, or if my understanding is wrong.

Ravi Kumar Pasumarthy
Lead Consultant, Agile Practitioner
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