Carrier threads of Structured Concurrency

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Apr 12 09:36:42 UTC 2023

On 12/04/2023 10:23, Daniel Schmid wrote:
> Hi,
> JEP 437 (Structured Concurrency) mentions the following:
> > Every fork runs in its own newly created thread, which by default is 
> a virtual thread. The forks' threads are owned by the scope, which in 
> turn is owned by its creating thread, thus forming a hierarchy. Any 
> fork can create its own nested StructuredTaskScope to fork its own 
> subtasks, thus extending the hierarchy. That hierarchy is reflected in 
> the code's block structure, which confines the lifetimes of the forks: 
> All of the forks' threads are guaranteed to have terminated once the 
> scope is closed, and no thread is left behind when the block exits.
> So, the forked tasks are running using virtual threads. However, I 
> didn't understand which platform threads are chosen as carriers in 
> case the owning thread is a platform thread.
> Would that use the default virtual thread pool for selecting carrier 
> threads? If that were the case, would that block the platform thread 
> owning the StructuredTaskScope?
> Or would it use the owning platform thread as the carrier thread or 
> include that in the selection of carrier threads?
> For example, take the following piece of code from JEP 437:
> Response handle() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
>      try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure()) {
>          Future<String>  user  = scope.fork(() -> findUser());
>          Future<Integer> order = scope.fork(() -> fetchOrder());
>          scope.join();           // Join both forks
>          scope.throwIfFailed();  // ... and propagate errors
>          // Here, both forks have succeeded, so compose their results
>          return new Response(user.resultNow(), order.resultNow());
>      }
> }
> If we assume this method is called from a platform thread, which 
> threads would be eligible as carrier threads for the tasks created for 
> findUser() and fetchOrder()? The platform-thread calling handle, the 
> platform threads from the virtual thread pool or both?
You shouldn't need to be concerned with carrier threads in these 
examples. The no-arg constructor creates a ShutdownOnFailure that 
creates virtual threads so in the example, the scope.join called from 
platform thread T is waiting for two virtual threads to finish the two 
tasks. There's no relationship between T and the carrier threads used in 
the virtual thread implementation. T can execute concurrently with the 
virtual threads.

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