Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskScheduledExecutor() ?

Dr Heinz M. Kabutz heinz at javaspecialists.eu
Wed Aug 2 11:26:01 UTC 2023

I've been doing this for a while (and am using the approach on my 
javaspecialists.eu website):


It works very well indeed.


Dr Heinz M. Kabutz (PhD CompSci)
Author of "The Java™ Specialists' Newsletter" -www.javaspecialists.eu
Java Champion -www.javachampions.org
JavaOne Rock Star Speaker
Tel: +30 69 75 595 262
Skype: kabutz

On 2023/08/01 19:46, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 01/08/2023 06:57, Formula Salt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to use virtual threads together with the 
>> ScheduledExecutorService but I am uncertain what is the best way to 
>> do so. To use the ExecutorService with virtual threads we would use 
>> Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor() but there seems to be no 
>> equivalent method for the ScheduledExecutorService.
>> Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(int, ThreadFactory) would require 
>> pooling virtual threads which I believe is considered bad practice.
>> Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(ThreadFactory) only allows 
>> for a single thread so tasks must execute sequentially.
>> The best way I've found so far is in this StackOverflow answer 
>> (https://stackoverflow.com/a/76599122) which suggests using both a 
>> single-threaded ScheduledExecutorService and 
>> Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor(). This works but perhaps 
>> the Executors API should directly support this 
>> via Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskScheduledExecutor() ?
> Just to add to what Ron said is that it's an area that didn't receive 
> any feedback or come up during preview. As I think you've figured out, 
> delay can be implemented by wrapping the task so that it sleeps before 
> running, periodic with fixed delay can be done with a loop + sleep, 
> periodic at fixed rate by submitting a delayed task with the time 
> remaining after the previous run. So not hard, and the main difference 
> being that each delayed or periodic task runs in its own virtual 
> thread rather than a pooled thread.  There is higher priority work 
> require on a more scalable timer implementation and that might be the 
> right time to look at Executors factory methods.
> -Alan.
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