[External] : Re: Synchronous executor interface
Attila Kelemen
attila.kelemen85 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 11 22:03:42 UTC 2023
Yeah, but you have a new interface there (and considerably more complicated
than my proposal), and that is what I'm saying that you can't just get away
with a function and similar. If custom interfaces are allowed, then there
is nothing to talk about, since I have already provided one.
Pedro Lamarão <pedro.lamarao at prodist.com.br> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. aug.
11., P, 23:22):
> Em sex., 11 de ago. de 2023 às 15:26, Attila Kelemen <
> attila.kelemen85 at gmail.com> escreveu:
>> To elaborate more, your executor can be created for any type, but that is
>> almost pointless for an executor, because an executor instance has to
>> support all types. Similarly you can't create a simplified
>> `ExecutorService` as `Function<Callable<T>, Future<T>>`. Such an executor
>> would be very limited in usefulness, because to simply put: An executor
>> cannot have a type argument.
> The following compiles just fine.
> import java.util.function.Function;
> import java.util.function.Supplier;
> interface Executor {
> default <T> T run(Supplier<T> s, Function<Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>>
> mapper) {
> return mapper.apply(s).get();
> }
> }
> class Wrap {
> public static void main(String[] args) {
> Executor z = new Executor() {};
> String x = z.run(() -> "hi", Wrap::withMessage);
> System.out.println(x);
> }
> static <T> Supplier<T> withMessage(Supplier<T> s) {
> return () -> {
> System.out.println("before");
> try {
> return s.get();
> } finally {
> System.out.println("after");
> }
> };
> }
> }
> --
> Pedro Lamarão
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