yield return based on Coroutines
Holo The Sage Wolf
holo3146 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 10:52:22 UTC 2023
Last time the conversation arise, the conversation revolved around the fact
that virtual threads can replace all use cases of continuation.
After quite a bit of back and forth, the conversation just died.
I'll try to find a link to the archive when I get home
On Mon, Aug 28, 2023, 13:15 Daniel Schmid <daniel at wwwmaster.at> wrote:
> Hi Rémi,
> While this change may simplify the implementation, it would expose the
> Continuation to others (the Iterator can be accessed clients which could
> then access the Continuation with instanceof patternmatching or casting the
> Iterator).
> While Continuation is an internal JVM class, I could imagine it becoming
> public API at some point (While it currently isn't, I don't know what would
> happen in the future) so I'd rather not use that approach unless required.
> Because of that, these could then call Continuation.run bypassing the
> Iterator#hasNext/Iterator#next and it.
> Besides, I don't see it being much simpler if the Iterator would extend
> Continuation as this would just result in passing the ContinuationScope and
> Runnable to the constructor of the iterator instead of the Continuation
> itself.
> Yours,
> Daniel
> Am 28.08.2023 um 11:20 schrieb Remi Forax:
> Hi Daniel,
> I've taken a look to your implementation, i think it can be simpler,
> you can inherits from Continuation, so you can create a subclass of
> Continuation that implements Iterator with a field to store the yielded
> value.
> Rémi
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Alan Bateman" <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
> *To: *"Daniel Schmid" <daniel at wwwmaster.at> <daniel at wwwmaster.at>
> *Cc: *"core-libs-dev" <core-libs-dev at openjdk.org>
> <core-libs-dev at openjdk.org>, "jdk-dev" <jdk-dev at openjdk.org>
> <jdk-dev at openjdk.org>
> *Sent: *Monday, August 28, 2023 11:12:51 AM
> *Subject: *Re: yield return based on Coroutines
> This looks fun! It's probably best to bring this to loom-dev. In its
> archives you'll find several discussions about generators as several people
> have been interested in that topic. Even when thread confined, the main
> concern has been that exotic control flow yields leads to surprising
> behavior with many of the existing constructs, e.g. in your example think
> about behavior with finally blocks, try-with-resources, locks, ... when the
> iterator is not fully consumed.
> -Alan
> On 28/08/2023 09:43, Daniel Schmid wrote:
> Hi,
> After seeing the JVM Language Summit talk on Continuations (
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nRS6UiN7X0), I thought about it being
> possible to implement something like "yield return" in languages like C#
> (or "yield" in Python) based on Continuations.
> Kotlin has implemented a similar feature as well:
> https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.sequences/-sequence-scope/yield.html
> Now that Continuations are in the JDK, I feel like it can be used as a
> good primitive and now is a good time to start about thinking about adding
> something like this as a Java feature or the libraries.
> After my experiments and some discussion with another developer named
> Peter Eastham (https://github.com/Crain-32), I was able to come up with
> an implementation/proof-of-concept allowing something like the following:
> public static void main(String[] args) {
> System.out.println("main thread: " + Thread.currentThread());
> for (String s : Yielder.create(YieldReturnTest::someMethod)) {
> System.out.println("Text: " + s);
> }
> }
> private static void someMethod(Yielder<String> y) {
> y.yield("Hello - " + Thread.currentThread());
> System.out.println("between yields");
> y.yield("World - " + Thread.currentThread());
> for (String s : Yielder.create(YieldReturnTest::otherMethod)) {
> y.yield("nested: " + s);
> }
> y.yield("bye - " + Thread.currentThread());
> }
> private static void otherMethod(Yielder<String> y) {
> y.yield("it can");
> y.yield("also be");
> y.yield("nested");
> }
> output:
> main thread: Thread[#1,main,5,main]
> Text: Hello - Thread[#1,main,5,main]
> between yields
> Text: World - Thread[#1,main,5,main]
> Text: nested: it can
> Text: nested: also be
> Text: nested: nested
> Text: bye - Thread[#1,main,5,main]
> In this example, the method reference passed to the Yielder.create method
> would be run in a Continuation while y.yield would yield the Continuation
> and make the value available to the iterator (next() calls
> Continuation#run).
> You can find a simple proof-of-concept of that here:
> https://github.com/danthe1st/ContinuationYieldReturn
> Would it be possible to add something like this to the JDK libraries?
> I feel like it might be a useful addition to the JDK libraries as it
> simplifies creating sequences a lot.
> Originally, I thought about whether it might be a good idea to add syntax
> for this but after building that proof-of-concept, it looks like it would
> be sufficient to add this to the libraries and using methods like this
> seems pretty natural.
> One thing I am concerned with this approach (opposed to an approach that
> involves changing syntax) is that it would be possible that the method
> suddenly runs in a different thread if the hasNext()/next()-calls of the
> Iterator chang the thread they are used in at some point. While
> Continuations allow this behaviour, it might seem a weird to developers who
> don't know how Continuations work.
> But aside from that issue with iterations switching threads, this approach
> seems pretty natural to me.
> Yours,
> Daniel
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