ConcurrentHashMap::computeIfAbsent and synchronized

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Jan 20 19:30:16 UTC 2023

On 20/01/2023 13:17, mikmoila wrote:
> :
> If you set the "cpus" to Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 
> 1 it completes, otherwise it hangs.

Right, it effectively deadlocks because one of the virtual threads is 
executing the mapping function and is in STS.join waiting for a child 
task to complete. The child task can't execute because all carriers are 
pinned by other virtual threads trying to execute the same mapping 
function. If you generate a thread dump with `jcmd <pid> 
Thread.dump_to_file -format=json <file>` it should be easy to see.


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