Single Thread Continuation

Attila Kelemen attila.kelemen85 at
Sun Jul 2 22:53:27 UTC 2023

Robert Engels <rengels at> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. júl. 2., V,

> I would fully avoid all of these isolated use case. Virtual threads solves
> the primary need for Java - thread per connection.
> All of these other uses can be done in other languages - don’t pollute
> Java with less useful idioms that solves peoples need to not have to learn
> CS.
I can't see how adding the possibility for generators would be "less useful
idioms that solves peoples need to not have to learn CS". It has nothing to
do with that, and it would be terribly useful, because there are a lot of
cases, where you already have APIs that can "for-each" over something, and
these generators would provide considerable value. And even when you could
implement an `Iterator`, implementing it certainly doesn't fall into a big
intelectual challenge, rather it is just cumbersome for basically no gain.
In fact, if there is any reason to avoid adding features is because people
might find it complicated to understand, and not as you imply that it would
make it easy for less qualified people (which I don't even understand why
would be an issue).

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