Single Thread Continuation

Attila Kelemen attila.kelemen85 at
Mon Jul 3 10:40:43 UTC 2023

Alex Otenko <oleksandr.otenko at> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. júl. 3.,
H, 12:29):

> Well, convenient or not, closing is necessary. How else can a generator
> tell the consumer that no more values are forthcoming?
>From the generator side there is no issue, and closing is also not an
issue, since the code just returns which clearly signals the end of the
iteration, and after that `hasNext` will just return false.

> Ditto for closing the channel by the consumer. Barring advanced cases with
> sharing the generator, you can have try-with-resources take care of closing
> things for you.
It shouldn't be necessary for a generator, because the `Iterator`
eventually becomes unreachable, so everything should be eligible for
garbage collection, including the continuation.
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