Single Thread Continuation

Attila Kelemen attila.kelemen85 at
Mon Jul 3 11:55:18 UTC 2023

Robert Engels <rengels at> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. júl. 3., H,

> Believe me. Queues are all you need there is no memory leak and no need to
> “close”. The producer side uses a weak reference to the queue. When there
> are no more strong references the producer side can terminate.
> You can’t use a standard blocking queue for this - but the queue
> implementation is fairly trivial - with a wake-up thread that listens on
> the weak reference queue.
My concern is not that the queue is not getting GCd, but that there will be
a forever waiting VT. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but I believe you mean
something like this (btw., the below could be implemented standard Java
`SynchronousQueue` as well, but I didn't want to bother):

Iterator<T> toIterator(ForEachable<T> generator) {
  var queue = ... new SynchronousQueue variant;
  Thread.startVirtualThread(() -> {
    try { generator.forEach(e -> queue.put(e)); }
    finally { queue.finishWriter(); }
  return new Iterator<>() { ... obvious implementation based on `queue` ...

My problem with this is that, if I stop reading the `Iterator` (before
reading all of its elements), then the started VT will never exit, and that
looks like a memory leak to me. At least, I can't see how to workaround
this issue.
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