Single Thread Continuation

robert engels rengels at
Wed Jul 5 12:56:44 UTC 2023

The implementation is correct and the events are fully ordered. Feel free to ask specific questions.

The reader is guaranteed to see all of the events yielded() by the generator as long as it continues to read.

The generator’s last value may be discarded in case of early exit by the reader - but this is a necessary side effect of generating the next value ahead of time to improve performance.

This could be changed to have the reader signal the generator for “give me the next value now triggering the generation process” - but this would be unnecessarily inefficient (but possibly needed in some cases).

> On Jul 5, 2023, at 7:31 AM, Alex Otenko <oleksandr.otenko at> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jul 2023, 13:12 Robert Engels, <rengels at <mailto:rengels at>> wrote:
> The generator is closed in response to yield() - this could have been an exception as well. It is also “closed” if it returns for any reason including an exception. It is all built into the framework - the dev does not need to code anything special. 
> The code is less than 150 lines for the complete generic implementation. The code to write and use a generator can be a single line. How much simpler do you need?
> Indeed. But getting the order of events right is harder than 150 lines. E.g I don't agree with this implementation.
>> On Jul 5, 2023, at 6:57 AM, Alex Otenko <oleksandr.otenko at <mailto:oleksandr.otenko at>> wrote:
>> Well, the code you shared only illustrates that it is not as simple as claimed.
>> So, you don't use a queue. That's fine. Now, how will the generator stop? You have the close() in finalize(), and a dance around hasNext() to totally order the delivery of elements vs end of stream.
>> Basically, it's two channels.
>> On Tue, 4 Jul 2023, 15:07 robert engels, <rengels at <mailto:rengels at>> wrote:
>> It is also straightforward to use a buffered queue to allow the producer to read ahead rather than the hand-off queue as implemented - which is often necessary when the producer is reading from a database, network calls, etc.
>> There is no need to for specific generator support in Java when you have cheap virtual threads.
>>> On Jul 4, 2023, at 8:58 AM, robert engels <rengels at <mailto:rengels at>> wrote:
>>> I created a project to demonstrate. It uses finalizers for simplicity but it easily adaptable to weak reference queues. It only needs a single producer virtual thread per generator.
>>> see <>
>>>> On Jul 4, 2023, at 7:24 AM, Robert Engels <rengels at <mailto:rengels at>> wrote:
>>>> You need 3 threads - the producer the consumer and the watcher (the watcher and producer might be able to be combined with async notifications from the weak reference queue) But it is all encapsulated and virtual threads makes this very cheap - as cheap as actual continuations would be. 
>>>>> On Jul 4, 2023, at 7:19 AM, Alex Otenko <oleksandr.otenko at <mailto:oleksandr.otenko at>> wrote:
>>>>> So it's not really just the queue.
>>>>> Plus you need two of them. Otherwise you can't control the timing of when the next value is produced.
>>>>> On Tue, 4 Jul 2023, 13:13 Robert Engels, <rengels at <mailto:rengels at>> wrote:
>>>>> To elaborate - the producer knows when no more values are coming and marks the iterator as such. So the next calls to hasNext()/next() fail appropriately. That is trivial. 
>>>>> The only “complex” part of the design is that the returned iterator is tracked with a weak reference by the producer. So if it goes out of scope the producer can be woken from the blocked/waiting state and clean up. 
>>>>>> On Jul 4, 2023, at 7:01 AM, Robert Engels <rengels at <mailto:rengels at>> wrote:
>>>>>> That is built into the Iterator interface. 
>>>>>>> On Jul 4, 2023, at 4:05 AM, Alex Otenko <oleksandr.otenko at <mailto:oleksandr.otenko at>> wrote:
>>>>>>> How does the generator tell the consumer that no more values are forthcoming? 
>>>>>>> On Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 12:38 Robert Engels, <rengels at <mailto:rengels at>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Believe me. Queues are all you need there is no memory leak and no need to “close”. The producer side uses a weak reference to the queue. When there are no more strong references the producer side can terminate. 
>>>>>>> You can’t use a standard blocking queue for this - but the queue implementation is fairly trivial - with a wake-up thread that listens on the weak reference queue. 
>>>>>>>> On Jul 3, 2023, at 6:19 AM, Attila Kelemen <attila.kelemen85 at <mailto:attila.kelemen85 at>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> 2. We need to synchronize access to mutable state to avoid memory
>>>>>>>>    hazards. This is a separate issue from synchronizing access to
>>>>>>>>    mutable state to avoid correctness issues. With virtual threads on
>>>>>>>>    a single platform thread, this goes away too (because it's always
>>>>>>>>    the same thread observing memory operations; no barriers needed).
>>>>>>>> That still seems incorrect to me (in principle, in practice it most likely will end up to be fine, but I just wouldn't rely on it), because the barrier is needed to prevent instruction reordering by the compiler, and you are not safe from that by using the same platform thread.

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