Native methods and virtual threads

Brian S O'Neill bronee at
Thu Jul 13 22:13:03 UTC 2023

That's a good clarification. I didn't mean to imply that a thread with a 
native frame could be unmounted, but rather, that an "is blocking" hint 
could be specified. This in turn might call into the Blocker class just 
like Java file I/O does.

On 2023-07-13 03:00 PM, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>  > 2. When it executes a native method or a foreign function.
> Note that either way we can never unmount a virtual thread that has 
> native frames on the stack. In native code it is possible to have 
> pointers into the thread stack. These pointers would be left dangling if 
> the virtual thread, and its native frames, were unmounted from the 
> carrier thread. The 'Blocker' API just signals to the thread pool that a 
> carrier thread belongs to, that more carrier threads should be spawned 
> to compensate for the blocked carrier thread.

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