Native methods and virtual threads

Brian S O'Neill bronee at
Thu Jul 13 22:13:46 UTC 2023

Thank you.

On 2023-07-13 03:11 PM, Ron Pressler wrote:
> Blocker is not a user facing construct, but an implementation detail that offers non-ideal behaviour when that’s the best we can do. Obviously we’d like to eventually replace its use with better solutions where possible.
> Offering something similar outside the JDK may well be something we’ll do once we learn more about virtual thread usage in the field. There are other virtual-thread-related capabilities that are currently only available inside the JDK because we don’t yet know how to prioritise their design as an API.
> Anyway, your suggestion is certainly an idea to consider if and when the matter of blocking native calls rises in the priority queue. Of course, this is just my perspective and not necessarily that of the Panama team.
> — Ron

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