Native methods and virtual threads

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Fri Jul 14 15:23:32 UTC 2023

On 14/07/2023 16:19, Brian S O'Neill wrote:
> This sounds reasonable, but the current "wait and see" model is 
> inconsistent. JEP 444 says, use JFR and we'll get back to you. Was 
> this process followed when the decision was made to add the Blocker 
> class, or is it a premature optimization that should be removed? 
> Likewise, the FFM API has the isTrivial option which adds even more 
> risks. What was the process for deciding that this optimization was 
> necessary? 

I can speak to the latter, which was added to mitigate cases where users 
migrate away from critical JNI to do low-latency native calls.

(We might also look into hints to enable pinning of heap objects for 
very same reasons).


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