Native methods and virtual threads

Brian S O'Neill bronee at
Fri Jul 14 18:51:41 UTC 2023

I wasn't expecting that such a feature would be immediately available in 
the next release anyhow.

On 2023-07-14 11:27 AM, Jorn Vernee wrote:
> They are not the same. A system property isn't necessarily part of the 
> Java SE specification. The process for the two is very different. The 
> commitment to adding a Linker.Option is much larger. It shouldn't be 
> something we add or remove willy nilly.
> Also, at the risk of stating the obvious: implementing the option is not 
> trivial. This is also time and effort invested into something that, at 
> the moment, we only just _think_ need. I'd rather focus on other things 
> until we have more evidence that this is the right thing to do.

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