Native methods and virtual threads

Robert Engels rengels at
Fri Jul 14 19:34:33 UTC 2023

Please do not add a hint or an api to address. The api methods that are VT friendly should be documented as such. I also think that any native call should +1 to the pool size for its duration. This will cover all cases. This is what Go does and it works well. 

> On Jul 14, 2023, at 1:26 PM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
>  On 14/07/2023 19:51, Alejandro Revilla wrote:
>> :
>> In relation to my initial proposition, I overlooked the jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.maxPoolSize property, which could assist in my scenario. However, it seems to be capped at 256 unless parallelism is also set.
> The jdk.virtualThread.* system properties are documented in an Implementation Note in the Thread class description. jdk.virtualThread.maxPoolSize defaults to 256 but can be increased if really needed.
> -Alan
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