Native methods and virtual threads

Brian S O'Neill bronee at
Fri Jul 14 21:50:01 UTC 2023

The solution you describe (a single thread pool for blocking native 
tasks) is the same as the message passing solution that I proposed. But 
if I have to manage different thread pools for different type of 
operations, it's no different than using platform threads.

In a world without virtual threads, my server waits on idle sockets by 
using epoll or a SelectableChannel. Tasks can then be dispatched to a 
thread pool. In a world _with_ virtual threads, I don't need to directly 
use epoll or a SelectableChannel. But if I have to dispatch tasks to 
different thread pools, then my server isn't that much different than it 
was before. I'm dispatching to something else all the time, so what have 
I gained? I still have to manage thread pool sizes, etc.

If I'm using virtual threads to dispatch short lived tasks (via 
structured concurrency) I now need to be aware of all of the task 
dependencies. Sometimes I can use virtual threads, and sometimes I need 
to use a regular FJ pool. This is more complex than what I had before, 
when I could just use a single FJ pool and not worry about it.

Am I describing a false dichotomy? No. It's about choosing the right 
type of threads to use, and virtual threads have unfortunate gotchas. 
The safe choice is to design a server to use platform threads by 
default, and later add virtual threads as an option.

On 2023-07-14 02:13 PM, Attila Kelemen wrote:
>     If I'm writing a new service, and I have complete control over what
>     native libraries it depends on, I might conclude that virtual threads
>     are a good choice. But as the service evolves, I might want to start
>     depending on native libraries that provide needed functionality. If
>     they
>     perform blocking operations, I might need to wrap the library with a
>     message passing queue, which just adds overhead and complexity. If the
>     advice is to stop using virtual threads at this point, I could have
>     made
>     that decision from day one. And it seems that's the safest option.
> But it is a false dichotomy to choose between not using virtual threads 
> basically at all, and using only VTs. If that is a serious problem, then 
> you could just create a single thread pool for your "slow, blocking 
> native tasks" and then just wait for the submitted task on the VT. It is 
> unlikely to make things very difficult, because you can easily hide this 
> behind a method which is barely different from marking a method as 
> "blocking, please compensate", and you even have more flexibility (which 
> you might need, if you have such an edge case).

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